Political Mess

Saturday, December 18, 2010


It all started with a friendly conversation.
On Friday Night he wishes for a Kind Hearted someone,
But The Christmas Wish was an excuse for his confession.
and this is what he said….
"KHS is Caring, Loving and Kind, in life KHS ought to be mine.
She has that spicy kick and a bit feisty, but KHS is a Sweetie.
Yeah, this is my Christmas wish, sweet and kind is The Girl that I had mind.”

At home where I was sitting....with a conversation of my own.
On screen was a message from someone as I was getting off the phone.
It had me flattered and it gave me grins, a confession from Khmer Destin.
Oh my!! Should I laugh or should I cry? His wish was to be for Life.
Then I caught myself wishing the “Wish” and this is what I said…..

“If there is a NEXT life, I wish to reborn to be your wife”
“I’d sprinkle charms and keep you out of harms”
“We’d run around chasing kids, or dig the ground”
“Maybe!! we’d grow sugar canes, sweet potatoes and corns”
“From dawn till dust watching our kids till they’ve all grown”
“Then we’d do things and have fun on our own”
“We’d count Stars under the moon light. Or cuddles indoor and be out of sight”
“Maybe we’d be sun bathe on the Ocean front,
Or tour the flooded stream and witness the spawns”
“We’d be fishing at the Rivera under a shaded tree,
With a Basket full of Orderves and wines just for you and me”

“We’d enjoy all the simple things, listening to thunders or the pouring rain”
“We'd teach each other to Learn,Live, Love and Laugh every night, 
these are things that we'd do, if we ought to be partner in Life”

Here it is, inspired by a sweet love confession that he had for an Author whom has not met.


  1. Merry Christmas to ALL and may all your pleasant surprise await you under the Christmas tree.

    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

  2. Hello Sandra,

    You got me living those moments again as was reading this one. you brought me back to when I was once having the exact same dream with my first crashed and whom I loves and whom I cherishes till this day.

    I can't help but smile, Mike

  3. Lots of thought and imaginations here. Sounds like you're very romance.

    Wish to meet someone like you, matter of fact, let’s make it you, who I want to meet and bring home to parents. Keith

  4. Your beautiful thoughts tell me that you are kind and romantics person.

    Reading your poem makes me mesmerizing. I wish to meet you someday and hope the will drift you my way.

  5. Sandra,

    you are quite a poet. I love them all but my favorate are "How I wish to embrace you my love" and the "Christmas wish" they are so sweet. thanks


About Me

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Howdy folks! My name is Sandra; I enjoy being the reminder of good and bad times. I wish to help those that are most needed, especially the Malnutrition ones. I know that if our "Helps" don't come today, there might not be a "Tomorrow" for them. Your kindness and support is very important to me, I and those who in need of your help would greatly appreciate your donations. There are organizations listed at the very top of the page, a donation site of your choice. I hope to capture you Heart and Soul by telling true story in a short form, "POEMS" if you will. Please keep in mind that I don't mean to offend anyone and that all my writing is base on Truths, Facts, Child-hood memories, and what will inspire me to write. Thank you for your time, forthcoming respond and understanding, Sandra