S E X will only slow down your urge just for a while....
MONEY cured greed for a period of time, greed is back again when it’s gone....
DRUGS can ease away your pain, but tell you lies and fry your brain.…
ALCOHOL will make you a fool, Don’t tilt the bottle, Don’t let it into your veins....
No matter what you do, it won’t wash away your pain…
What you had, was just a Picture that you once paint…
Pictures can be replaced because you are the perfect Frame…
ACCEPT life just how they are, you won't go insane….
With self COMPASSION, you will free your remains.
So, Don’t wear your eyes… Don’t cry in pain… Don’t let tear falls like rain.
This is a story of a man whom I met, once with a broken heart. Everyday he work himself to deaths, drink himself to sleeps, and have many girls…..it seems he do these things to help him forget HER who he loves.
A reminder to those with a broken heart.
The Moon shine bright, it lightens up the dark sky…
The orange light is the color of the Sun rise…
When the Sun rises high, it shows all the hidden surprise…
Creatures roam the street, walk the ground on their feet…
There’s a hidden Ball that called Earth, it makes up our Universe…
There’ll be sad & happy cries, it was a long await surprise…
Pain brings Sadness that pushes out the loud cries…
Love brings Joy & happiness that you held inside…
Joy, sadness, & suffering are a part of life of any BEINGS, but you must survive…
So, lets your emotion run wild, and cries till your eyes run dry…
What you can’t handle you’ll burst out in tears….
With a bit of twisted surprise you sprinkled charms…
But please remember DO NOT bring any harms….
In Life these are your chores, but you hold the key to the open door…
Open your heart you’ll see why…there’s light that pierce through the deep dark sky.